University Sports Association at the KUE (AZS UEK) – Registration for Physical Education 2023-24
Winter semester 2023/24
Dear Students,

We would like to invite you to join training practice in the sections of the University Sports Association at the KUE (AZS UEK). This kind of training is aimed at people with particular disposition to practice a given sports discipline. We welcome both professionals and amateurs who would like to test their skills.
It is possible to enroll in the training practice of the AZS UEK sports sections as part of your Physical Education course in the winter semester 2022/2023. Enrolments are open from 27 September 2023, starting from 08:00, until 1 October 2023 by 23:59.
Participation in sports sections will earn physical education course credit for first year students.
Training practice with the University Sports Association at the KUEensures PE course credit.
Detailed information on the available types of the AZS UEK sections can be found in the website below:
Center for Physical Education and Sport (SWFiS) – registration for PE classes
Dear First Year Students,
Center for Physical Education and Sport (SWFiS)would like to notify you that in the winter semester 2023/24, registration for physical education classes is going to begin in the USOSweb system.
Each student should individually register in the USOSweb platform for the most preferred sports activities of their choice (one activity only!)
The offer of activities (sports hall, swimming pool, gym, outdoor activities) will be available at the www.swfis.uek.krakow.plwebsite, starting from 26 September 2023.
Before beginning the registration process, each student should check whether they have „PE” tokens, authorizing them to register for the activities. Information about the tokens can be found in the „Dla Studentów” („For Students”) menu >”Rejestracje żetonowe” („Token registrations”) > „Moje żetony” („My tokens”) tab. Instructions for token registrations are available here.
There are limits to places available in each group.
Before enrolling in PE classes, please check carefully whether the dates of the selected sports activities do not conflict with the Student’s overall schedule and timetable.
Please carefully choose only one form (one type) of sports activities!
Registration for classes in the USOSweb system begins on 27 September at 08:00 and it ends on 1 October at 23:59.
By enrolling in the particular group in the USOSweb system, each Student also choses a leading teacher who will enter the final grade for PE class. Each student who has chosen classes in a sports hall, swimming pool, or gym, or in the AZS UEK (University Sports Association) sections, is obliged to systematically participate, once a week, in the selected form of sports activities. Students who have chosen hiking or biking must complete five classes on the dates provided before the beginning of the classes.
Students who apply to transfer their PE grades and those who have a long-term medical sick leave, should refer to the detailed information on the SWFiS website.
Team of the Center for Physical Education and Sport